Machine Pitch

7U Machine Pitch league:

7U Player ages: 7 years old.  Players are separated so that the boys will play baseball and the girls will start playing softball. 

Games: All teams will play 12 games per season, depending on the number of teams playing out of Pacific and other cities, you may play some away games in other parks.  Home games are played at the Pacific Youth Association Fields on 650 South 6th Street in Pacific, MO.  Games last  a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

Goals: Coaches attempt to instill advanced basics in baseball and softball. Players will learn the basic to advanced defensive position play. They will also learn offensive skills of how to bat from a pitching machine and to running bases through the use of base coaches.  7U is still a part of each member associations Training League and standings are only kept for the purpose of next years rankings.  Each player will receive a participation trophy at the end of the season.  

Pitching: Machine Pitch – Strikes are called by umpires.  Outs are recorded and games are recorded (for the purpose of next years ranking). 

Catching: Players will rotate catching and are required to wear the proper protective catchers gear.

Infield: Players learn to play defense at Pitcher, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Shortstop. 

Outfield: Boys are allowed 3 outfielders and the Girls are allowed 4 outfielders.

8U Machine Pitch League:

Player ages: 8 years old. Players are separated so that the boys will play baseball and the girls will play softball. 

Games: Teams will play 6 home games and 6 away games.  Home games are played at the Pacific Youth Association Fields on S. 6th Street in Pacific, MO.   Games last 1 hour and 40 minutes. Goals:Coaches attempt to instill advanced skills in baseball and softball.  Players will learn the advanced defensive position play. They will also learn advanced offensive skills bases through the use of base coaches. 

Pitching: Machine Pitch – Balls and Strikes are called by umpires.  Outs are recorded and games are recorded.  

Catching: Players will be catching and are required to wear the proper protective catchers gear. 

Infield: Players develop skills to play defense at Pitcher, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Shortstop. 

Outfield: 3 outfielders are played.