Training League

Player Ages: 4 - 6

Roster Numbers: Teams will be created with 6 players, 8 maximum.  This allows teams to have better player to coach ratio.  Players will have the opportunity to get more at bats in games and more time on the field and less standing around while waiting to get through a team of 12 kids at bats.  Coaches are encouraged to partner up with another team of the same age.  Practice together and spend time working together.  Then at 7U they will be a perfect match to merge teams to create one team of 12 players.

Games: All Training League games are played at the Pacific Youth Association Fields on 650 South 6th Street in Pacific, MO.  Games last 1 hour and are played against other Pacific Training League Teams.  

Goals: Coaches attempt to instill the very basics in baseball and softball. Players will learn the basic defensive skills of how to catch, throw and field the ball. They will also learn basic offensive skills of how to bat and where to run after hitting the ball.

Pitching: Coach Pitch – Each Player receives a maximum 5 pitches from his/her coach.  If the player is unable to hit any of those pitches, the ball is placed on a tee for the player to continue hitting.

Catching: Due to the development of players, coaches normally catch in our training leagues.  As the players develop, they will be allowed the opportunity to catch, but only if they wear the proper protective catchers gear.

Infield: Players learn to play defense at Pitcher, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Shortstop.  Managers are allowed to be in the field when the team is playing defense to coach and instruct players during the games.

Outfield: All additional team members will play the outfield while the team is on defense.  There is no limit to the amount of outfielders that a team may field.  Managers are allowed to be in the field when the team is playing defense to coach and instruct players during the games.